
24 -27 September 2012 Dubai World Trade Center (Hall 4 Stand D 191)

I Saloni 12′
In fondo, la vita è un gioco. E noi i suoi giocatori. Regalarsi un momento per pensarci su è sicuramente un lusso piacevole da concedersi. Intervallo è più di una pausa: è anche un momento per riflettere, per guardare le cose da nuovi punti di vista, per divertirsi a elaborare nuove tattiche. Prima di rimettersi [...]

Fundacion Eto’o
B.LAB donated a Krystall Teckell for the match between Inter and Chelsea that that took place during the Benefit Gala On March 17th at the Visionnaire in Milano, the event sponsored by the foundation of Samuel Eto’o in collaboration with Stars on Field for the construction of an area at the pediatric hospital Laquintinie de [...]

Featured Project
Dynamic Interactive Liquid Floor Tiles by B.lab Italia for the Natural History Museum of Utah in Salt Lake City, USA. Installation Fall 2011 – Client Credit: Ground Plans, NYC

I Saloni Milano
B.LAB Italia – Teckell Collection Hall6 Stand C33 50 years looking exclusively to the future, through a joined-up project that, along with the usual exhibition – the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, the biennial Euroluce / International Lighting Exhibition and SaloneUfficio / International Biennial Workspace Exhibition and SaloneSatellite – involves the [...]

10 Years
2010 marks the 10th anniversary of Blab’s innovative designs. After years of research and experimentation, Gianfranco Barban and Gregg Brodarick officially created B.lab Italia in 2000. Join as we celebrate the first 10 years of interactive surface design.

Fall 2010 Events
Teckell Collection travels to Dubai and Qatar Teckell Collection continues its journey around the world. After 100% design in London, the Luxury Show in Vienna, the Luxury show in Verona, the Milano Furniture Fair and ICFF in New York, the next stop will be the Index Dubai Aspire 4 Sport in Qatar that will host [...]

IDOT – Italian Design Dot 2009/2010 selection – preview of About 50 pieces in the new contemporary projects focus in: eco design, material & technology, precious materials, fashion design, textile & shoes design, graphic & web design, packaging & cosmetic design, yacht design, car & bike design, watch & glasses design and furniture. Italian Embassy [...]

100% Design
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